Technical area
Mobile units and streaming
We are a production company with an important technical load. Specialists for more than 15 years in the direct and video streaming sector. Currently Polaris has a wide catalog of technical resources to assume any type of live broadcast, either via traditional or via the Internet. We have 4 complete mobile units with up to 12 cameras.
If what you need is a lighter service, you can choose between any of our portable controls or opt for remote production, this way you can perform a live show with guarantees at low cost.
Service Production
En Polarys sabemos lo que se necesita para realizar un buen audiovisual. Ponemos nuestros medios, nuestros contactos y nuestro Know How al servicio de tu productora o de tu agencia. Dinos que necesitas y nosotros nos encargamos de todo, personal, actores, material técnico, localizaciones, Street casting…
Availiable in Sicilia, Calabria, Valencia, Alicante, Castellon, Teruel e Isole Baleari.
Featured project
Albinegres is a documentary about the centenary of the CD Castellón and that will be seen in province's cinemas soon.